Ishiguro Orthopedic Clinic mainly performs treatments for whiplash and sequelae caused by pain in daily life and traffic accidents.You can use various types of insurance such as traffic accident (automobile liability / voluntary) insurance, workers accident compensation insurance, and if there is a cause, so please feel free to visit us.Of course, please feel free to contact us for muscle pain, joint pain, pain of unknown cause, etc.There is always a cause for pain.All the staff are looking forward to providing you with pain relief and healing.------------------◎ Main functions------------------● You will receive the latest information (news) from the store.● Collect stamps that you can get at the store and receive great benefits.● We will deliver discount coupons that arrive in the month of your birthday and coupons that are distributed exclusively to app users.● You can check the service (product) contents from the menu!● In the timeline, you can record your favorite photos!● With the next visit date registration function, you will receive a push notification the day before you registered, so you can reconfirm your schedule.------------------◎ Notes------------------● This app uses internet communication to display the latest information.● Some terminals may not be available depending on the model.● This app is not compatible with tablets. (It can be installed on some models, but please note that it may not work properly.)● You do not need to register your personal information when installing this app. Please check before using each service and enter the information.